5.2 Questions about graphs macro
(Arranged in alphabetical order)
Aggregate demand [13 KB]
Balance of payments [57 KB]
Business cycle [22 KB]
Comparative advantage [14 KB]
Consumption function [14 KB]
Current account [13 KB]
Demand shock and supply shock 1 [43 KB]
Demand shock and supply shock 2 [52 KB]
Equilibrium (flexible input costs) [62 KB]
Equilibrium (rigid input costs) [67 KB]
Exchange rate and interest rate [13 KB]
Fiscal policy - AD-AS model [58 KB]
Fiscal policy - Keynes [60 KB]
Gini coefficient and tax [64 KB]
Gross domestic product (GDP) (expenditure) [46 KB]
Gross domestic product (GDP) (measurement) [13 KB]
Inflation (AS-AD framework) [13 KB]
Inflation and money supply [13 KB]
Inflationary or recessionary gap [48 KB]
Investment demand [34 KB]
Laffer curve [18 KB]
Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient [21 KB]
Lorenz curve and tax 1 [45 KB]
Lorenz curve and tax 2 [46 KB]
Lorenz curve and tax 3 [62 KB]
Macroeconomic equilibrium (Keynes) [23 KB]
Monetary policy 1 [38 KB]
Monetary policy 2 [18 KB]
Money multiplier [68 KB]
Multiplier 1 [57 KB]
Multiplier 2 [48 KB]
Paradox of thrift [13 KB]
Phillips curve [13 KB]
Rigid input costs [48 KB]
Saving and investment [13 KB]
Stagflation [13 KB]
Tariff on imports [13 KB]
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